Sometimes I feel like we don't hear enough about the benefits of being active and laboring/birthing in upright positions. Babies have to navigate the pelvis in a series of necessary movements. When Mom is sitting in bed, a baby must do this all on his own; if she is moving around -- sqautting, walking, climbing stairs, rocking on a birth ball, changing her positions from being active, to resting, her baby has more help to get into optimal positions. This is a true partnership between Mom and Baby -- she helps her baby in the race to meet the outside world. And as Bernie points out, this makes things better for birth. You have just grown a tiny person, You are Wonder Woman, Stand up and be proud! OK, so you may or may not feel like adopting the Wonder Woman stance for your entire labour and birth, but here are 7 great benefits to being upright during labour: 1. Do You Know the 3 Cs? Feeling Calm, Confident and in Control!
2. Shorter labours!
3. Less chance of Distress to your Baby!
4. More Comfortable Labour!
5. More Room for Baby!
6. Decrease Chance of Assisted Delivery by 23%!
7. Decrease Chance of Episiotomy by 21%!
More Information: Whole, Healthy and Intact - Avoiding Perineal Trauma, by Tracy Donegan What is the Evidence for Pushing Positions? References: 2012 Cochrane review, Gupta et al., de Jonge and Lagro-Jansenn 2004; Green and Baston 2003; Green et al. 1990. Lawrence et al 2013 Bernie Burke is a GentleBirth Instructor and DONA trained Birth Doula, with a background in Holisitic therapies. Bernie found GentleBirth during her second pregnancy and fell in love with the program, it transformed how she felt about birth. She is passionate about all things birth and she has seen first-hand the positive change in her clients and their partners while using the program. Bernie believes that when women and their partners feel empowered to make decisions about their birth, no matter what path it takes, they step into parenthood feeling confident and secure. Bernie is looking forward to assisting families as a Doula in 2016. Supreme love and thanks to my friend Christine for allowing me to share her amazing pictures. She deserves to be a meme <3. Stacie
Well at least my Spiderman. More like Spiderbaby. I wish my camera hadn't died yesterday or I would take an evidential picture. My Spiderbaby is nursing as I type Jonas decided to wear his Spiderman outfit today -- you know, sometimes your alter-ego needs to come spend a leisurely Saturday at home, all suited up and ready for respite. It looked smashing with his black cloggy-crocky sandals. Having three boys around, we get a lot of dress-up (wonder if there is a more masculine term for that -- fierce-pretend-costuming?) around here. Some days we have one or two Batmans. Occasionally a Robin. An appearance by Dark Lord of the Sith Himself, Darth Vader, isn't unusual, generally wanting help with shoe-tying or locating his Crayolas, (you know how hard it is to find stuff when you have a mask on your face). We have been surprised by a visit by the Red Power Ranger, a Little Green Man (Toy Story), and a werewolf. Periodic other guests have been a well-dressed (and dare I say well-behaved!) knight, sans sword (hey, it's a sad story, but it's safer this way), an army guy, an alligator (maybe a crocodile, it's hard to tell what kind of snout that is, being made of cloth), and various caped crusaders. I heard a story once about a girl who competed in pageants. She had a lovely crown to show for her achievements. She told her college roommate, "Sometimes I have days where I just feel like wearing my tiara. I bring down the box, unpack the tiara, and place it on my head -- immediately life seems better." Her roommate, being about the furthest thing from a girl who would ever enter a pageant (not for looks, more philosophy and interests), seemed to really understand that. The roommate nodded slowly, and the girls bonded. Or perhaps the roommate was hypnotized by all those sparkling jewels... Regardless, the need to cast off or cast aside our regular, everyday personalities and assume something more interesting, something more grand, mysterious, extravagant, and super-heroish, probably lives in us all. As the mom of four boys, two almost fully-grown up and now away at college, they have all had days like this. Here's to our inner Superheros! Long may those capes wave! -Good for Bats...and Birds! -Cosplayers Use Costumes to Evoke Their Inner Strengths -Benefits of Playing Dress-Up for Kids It's always a good feeling when you get to save the day. Today my oldest was putting together a model of a Mini Cooper and he lost a main piece. He was upset already because his baby brother was trying to get in on the action of putting the car together, and naturally my oldest thought my youngest was to blame for the missing part. |
My Life...♥ four young boys and a boy dog (offspring) Categories
July 2020