Time Saving Tips for Busy MomsDo you ever feel like there is not enough time in the day? What I would give to not be tired or simply have 2 extra hours in the day? I remember the day my twins were born. I really didn’t know how I was going to do the basic things. At the time I had 5 children under the age of six. The twin babies would have been enough to keep track of, but to have a 6, 4, and 2 year old potty training, with the twin babies was beyond overwhelming. So, out if necessity I came up with a few tricks that helped me survive. Most people laugh at the first time saving trick. At night, after my husband and I gave the children a bath, we would put our young ones in the clean clothes they would wear the next day. It saved on laundry, and the cost of pajamas. On Saturday night it was a special treat to sleep in pajamas, because we certainly did not want to put them in church clothes. The next trick I learned came as my children were old enough to do their own laundry. Each room had their own dirty clothes hamper. When it was full, the entire content went into the washing machine, then into the dryer, then back up to the room where it originated. The children knew when they arrived home from school and their clothes were on the floor, that they were expected to put them away. Consequently, I no longer have to sort or fold the piles of clothes, except my own. This literally saves me hours each week. I may not have had the whitest whites in town, but I certainly have more free time. My favorite way to cook is with the crock pot. I don’t know how people do without one. There are so many great recipes that can be converted to the crock pot. I love having dinner simmering and ready whenever I need it. If you are not a crock pot cooker, may I suggest you give it a try. It is perfect for those nights that you are busy and it allows you to spend more time with your children when they get home from school. When I had my twins, I had no idea there was such a thing as a doula. Oh how I wish I had known. People often ask me what a postpartum doula does. My most simple answer is, “We are a Mom for the Mom”. Here is a more detailed list of what postpartum doulas do:
I have one regret: I did not learn infant massage when my children were young. There are huge benefits of infant massage. I will list just a few:
Melanie Henstrom is a DONA-certified postpartum doula, a Certified Infant Massage Instuctor (CIMI), and she also teaches mom & baby yoga classes in the Portland, OR area. Her experience as the mother of 6 children, including a set of twins, led her naturally toward helping women in the postpartum period adjust to life as new moms. Her mothering skills serve as the foundation of the care she offers families, and she strongly desires to show women the support she wishes has been available to her as an overwhelmed mother. To learn more about Melanie and the support she offers, visit her website.
My Life...♥ four young boys and a boy dog (offspring) Categories
July 2020