Two weeks ago I sent this letter off to my local newspaper, Chico Enterprise Record. This morning a friend called me to say it had been published. They cut out a bit, but the main message is there. This is a bad move for Enloe Medical Center -- it shows that despite the practices the facility is trying to implement, by losing their option for midwifery, they don't really care about patient-centered care and holistic alternatives to harsh (over)medicalization when it comes to their mothers and babies. All I envision is, these new, beautifully spacious and accommodating rooms, with private bathrooms, tubs, and a nice place for a partner to sleep, while a woman does not have the option of a practitioner whose goal is to be "with women," during the birth experience.
I was recently asked how people in general have the courage to go through birth more than one time. A while back I posted about my own experiences visiting the dentist. This experience involves my two-year-old.
In October, Jonas went to see our family pediatric dentist -- I knew he had a cavity between his two front teeth. This dentist is awesome. She is very low-key. The child sits facing the parent in a straddle position. The doctor then wheels her chair up really close so her knees are touching the parent's knees, and she eases the child into her lap. This was just what we needed as the regular chair was not only too big for Jonas, it was way too scary! I want to empower her. I hear this a lot. I understand the idea. And yet, I maintain, you cannot empower someone. Where I think we often go wrong is, we say empower, but what we really mean is overpower. |
My Life...♥ four young boys and a boy dog (offspring) Categories
July 2020